Visit Syngene

Syngene InstaVisit is an interactive virtual experience designed to give you a 360 degree view of Syngene’s world-class facilities and capabilities, anytime, anywhere.

Based on the principle ‘Seeing is believing’, we have made available a repository of 33 videos across Discovery, Development and Manufacturing to help clients decide for themselves, Syngene’s capability to partner with them. Comprising more than 3 hours of content, the videos offer a truly immersive experience –almost as good as an actual physical visit to Syngene.

Based on pre-recorded footage of our facilities, this unique platform allows you to change your perspective, look around, zoom in/out at will, as you are taken on a guided tour of Syngene’s facilities and laboratories across Operating Units.

The videos are best viewed on a laptop/desktop to fully experience the 360 degree effect. Click on any of the videos below, to start exploring our facilities.

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Visit Syngene Virtually

*Mandatory fields